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So today by Shandong Province Mengyin Xinhua rabbit farm to take you in-depth understanding of the feeding management model of Mengyin Angora rabbits?
The feeding management of Mengyin long hair rabbit is basically the same as that of the common rabbit.
I. feeding of Mengyin Angora
1. Characteristics of feeding and hair growth of Mengyin Angora
蒙阴长毛兔的采食量跟着采毛周期(同样平常3个月采一次毛)和毛的成长环境而变革,采毛后的第 一个月,兔的采食量zui大,因这时候候候候兔体毛短或暴露,大批体热被披发,必要弥补大批的能量;经2个月,兔毛已长到必定的长度,此时是兔毛长得zui快的阶段,是以必需担保兔子吃饱吃好;3个月后,毛长到必定长度,开端长得较慢了,此时兔的采食量响应削减了,所以在喂养毛兔时,必需依据采毛后的分歧阶段和采食量的变革纪律,仔细疗养饲料。
The intake of Mengyin long hair rabbit changes with the period of hair collection (once every three months) and the growing environment of hair. In the first month after hair collection, the intake of rabbit is large. Because the body hair is short or exposed, a large number of body heat is covered and a large amount of energy needs to be made up. After two months, the rabbit hair has grown to a certain length, which is the stage when the rabbit hair grows fast 3 months later, the hair grows to a certain length and starts to grow slowly. At this time, the response of the rabbit's food intake is reduced. Therefore, when feeding the rabbit, it is necessary to carefully recuperate the feed according to the different stages after the hair collection and the change discipline of the food intake.
2. Feeding methods of Mengyin Angora
养兔者同样平常节制两种饲喂办法:一种是采毛后第 一个月,每兔(成年)每只喂190~210克干饲料,第二个月喂170~180克,第三个月喂140~150克;另一种是采毛后1个月内随便任性采食,第二个月往后都采纳准时定量饲喂。
There are two feeding methods that are usually controlled by the breeders: one is to feed 190-210g dry feed to each rabbit (adult) in the first month, 170-180g in the second month, and 140-150g in the third month; the other is to collect food at will within one month after plucking, and to feed on time and quantitatively after the second month.
In France and Germany, rabbits are fed one day a week to empty their stomachs, so as to greatly reduce the risk of the accumulation of hair in their stomachs and the formation of hair balls.
The conclusion of superstitious feeding based on the wool picking cycle is beneficial to the health of rabbits and the growth of their hair, and they may get more good hair.
II. Management of Mengyin long hair rabbit
Mengyin long hair rabbit is exposed after plucking. In summer, it is necessary to avoid direct sunlight, keep warm, and properly increase nutrients. The female rabbit should not be sheared in the process of production nearby, so that it can not get real-time nutrition compensation and affect the fetal development. The hair collecting time of the female rabbit can be arranged before mating, and the hair is still short when it comes to production, which is convenient for the young rabbit to suck milk. Usually, you should comb your hair regularly, clear the grass and feces in real time, avoid eating into the rabbit's hair and cause trichobulosis, and treat and refuse to create scabies in real time.
The above is an introduction to the feeding and management mode of Mengyin Angora rabbit by Shandong Mengyin Xinhua rabbit farm. Welcome to the official website //m.sdsxxzgs.com