
发布日期:2024-11-18 来源://m.sdsxxzgs.com 发布人:创始人

  兔螨病 :症状表现为剧烈痒痛、皮肤发炎甚脱毛,由于奇痒难忍,兔子会到处摩擦、搔抓或啃咬,导致食欲不振和日渐消瘦。方法是对患部用热水清洗后涂以硫黄软膏,3天1次,连续2-3次即可痊愈。

  Rabbit mite disease: Symptoms include severe itching and pain, skin inflammation, and even hair loss. Due to the unbearable itching, rabbits will rub, scratch, or bite everywhere, leading to loss of appetite and gradual weight loss. The treatment method is to wash the affected area with hot water and apply sulfur ointment once every 3 days for 2-3 consecutive times to cure.

  兔伪结核病 :症状包括消瘦迅速、行动迟缓、食欲减退、被毛粗乱,粪便小而硬,形状不规则,触诊后腹部可摸到乒乓球大小的圆小囊和小香肠状的蚓突。方法是使用链霉素按每千克体重3-4万单位肌肉注射,每日二次,连用5-7天;也可用卡那霉素等进行。

  Pseudo tuberculosis in rabbits: symptoms include rapid emaciation, slowness of movement, loss of appetite, coarse hair, small and hard stool, irregular shape. After palpation, round sacs the size of table tennis balls and small sausage like vermis can be felt on the abdomen. The treatment method is to inject streptomycin into the muscle at a rate of 30000 to 40000 units per kilogram of body weight, twice a day for 5-7 consecutive days; Kanamycin and other drugs can also be used for treatment.

  疥癣 :由皮肤中存在螨虫引起,导致皮肤过敏、瘙痒和脱毛,严重时影响绒毛的产量与质量,并可能引起消瘦和虚弱,甚死亡。预防措施包括定期进行驱虫和。

  Scabies: caused by the presence of mites in the skin, leading to skin allergies, itching, and hair loss. In severe cases, it can affect the production and quality of villi, and may cause weight loss, weakness, and even death. Preventive measures include regular deworming and treatment.

  积食 :通常由过量暴食和难以消化的饲料引起,表现为精神萎靡、运动量减少、绒毛质量下降。方法包括调整饲料、减少投食量,并确保饲料颗粒适当、无泥沙。

  Accumulated eating: usually caused by excessive overeating and difficult to digest feed, manifested as mental lethargy, reduced exercise, and decreased villus quality. The treatment methods include adjusting the feed, reducing the feeding amount, and ensuring that the feed particles are appropriate and free of sediment.

  腹泻 :大多数是由于饲料、饮水质量与周围环境温度导致,表现为食欲不振、行动迟缓、绒毛光泽度下降,严重时导致营养不良和脱水。

  Diarrhea: Most cases are caused by the quality of feed and drinking water, as well as the temperature of the surrounding environment. It manifests as loss of appetite, slow movement, decreased fuzz luster, and in severe cases, malnutrition and dehydration.

  中暑 :通常发生在炎热的夏季,表现为食欲不振、精神不佳、行动迟缓,严重时可能危及生命。

  Heat stroke: usually occurs in hot summer, characterized by loss of appetite, poor mental state, slow movement, and in severe cases, may be life-threatening.


  鼓胀病 :由消化器官适应性差、消化系统疾病引起,症状包括消化不适、腹胀等。可能由饲料失宜、营养不良、气候异常等因素引起。

  Swelling disease: caused by poor adaptability of digestive organs and digestive system diseases, symptoms include digestive discomfort, bloating, etc. Possible causes include improper feed, malnutrition, abnormal climate, and other factors.

  细菌感染 :表现为下颌附近皮肤下肿大、有伤口或抓挠痕迹。方法包括剪掉脓肿周围的毛,切开脓肿,脓汁,并使用抗生素药膏或粉加快愈合。

  Bacterial infection: manifested as swelling under the skin near the lower jaw, with wounds or scratch marks. The treatment methods include cutting off the hair around the abscess, cutting open the abscess, removing pus, and using antibiotic ointment or powder to accelerate healing.

  球虫病 :症状包括腹泻、掉膘、腹部膨胀、食欲减退、被毛粗糙。方法包括保持兔笼干净,避免饲料和水污染,并在饲料和饮用水中添加磺胺喹恶啉。

  Coccidiosis: Symptoms include diarrhea, weight loss, abdominal distension, decreased appetite, and rough fur. The treatment methods include keeping the rabbit cage clean, avoiding contamination of feed and water, and adding sulfaquinoxaline to feed and drinking water.

  毛球症 :由于兔子在清理身体时吞入过多毛发,在胃中结成球状块,导致消化系统症状,如食欲不振、拉稀等。严重时可能阻塞肠道。方法包括手术取出毛球。

  Phimosis: Due to rabbits swallowing too much hair while cleaning their bodies, it forms spherical lumps in the stomach, leading to digestive symptoms such as loss of appetite and diarrhea. In severe cases, it may block the intestines. The treatment method includes surgical removal of hairballs.

  巴氏杆菌症(斯纳夫症) :症状包括鼻炎、肺炎、结膜炎、中耳炎等,严重时可能转为败血症。方法包括使用抗生素进行。

  Pasteurella (Snave syndrome): Symptoms include rhinitis, pneumonia, conjunctivitis, otitis media, etc., and in severe cases, it may progress to sepsis. The treatment method includes the use of antibiotics for treatment.


  It is recommended that breeders of long haired rabbits undergo regular health checks, pay attention to environmental hygiene and feed management, and promptly detect and treat diseases to ensure the health and growth of long haired rabbits.


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