
发布日期:2019-04-16 来源://m.sdsxxzgs.com 发布人:admin

The illumination of rabbit house is a noticeable problem. In order to avoid the excessive emergency response of rabbits, the light should not be too bright and dazzling. On this road, Mengyin Long Hair Rabbit Farm recommends the lighting artifact of rabbit house: energy-saving lamp.
1、应激小 如今消费的色温为2700K的暖色彩灯的光谱,曾经很接近白炽灯,即便运用色温6400K的白光型灯,理论证明对种兔的消费也没有任何影响。而且采用三基色为发光资料的灯管,在接通电源时亮度只是正常发光的一半,5分钟后,才干到达更大亮度,渐渐变亮,十分契合自然界的规律,能够减少兔的应激反响,有利于种兔的消费。
1. The spectrum of the warm color energy-saving lamp with a color temperature of 2700K used to be very close to the incandescent lamp. Even if the white energy-saving lamp with a color temperature of 6400K was used, the theory proved that it had no effect on the consumption of rabbits. Moreover, the light tube with three primary colors as the light-emitting material, when the power supply is turned on, the brightness is only half of the normal light-emitting. After 5 minutes, it can reach the maximum brightness and gradually become brighter, which is very consistent with the law of nature. It can reduce the stress response of rabbits and is conducive to the consumption of rabbits.
2 、发光稳定 养兔场的电压普通较不稳定,用电顶峰时,电压很低,白炽灯像油灯,用电低谷时,电压较高,费电,灯泡易坏。灯采用电子技术从基本上处理了忽明忽暗的问题,亮度非常稳定。
2. The voltage of the stable light-emitting rabbit farm is generally unstable. When the peak power is used, the voltage is very low. The incandescent lamp is like an oil lamp. When the power is low, the voltage is high, the electricity is consumed and the lamp is easy to break down. Energy-saving lamps use electronic technology to basically deal with the problem of light and dim, the brightness is very stable.
3 、省电费 灯在照度相同的状况下可省电80%以上。以一个养2000只种兔的兔舍为例,共有25瓦的白炽灯68个,每年需补充光照2000小时,每年耗电3400千瓦时,以每千瓦时电0.5元计算,电费1700元,运用5瓦的灯后年耗电680千瓦时,电费340元,能够减少电费支出1360元。
3. Energy-saving lamps can save more than 80% of electricity under the same illumination. Taking a rabbit house with 2000 rabbits as an example, there are 68 25-watt incandescent lamps, which need supplementary illumination for 2,000 hours each year. The annual power consumption is 3,400 kWh. The electricity consumption is calculated at 0.5 yuan per kWh. The annual power consumption of a 5-watt energy-saving lamp is 680 kWh. The electricity consumption is 340 yuan, which can reduce the electricity expenditure by 1360 yuan.
4、亮度高 稀土三基色灯管发光效率很高,亮度是同样瓦数白炽灯的6~8倍,兔舍普通运用的25瓦白炽灯完整能够用5瓦的灯来替代,亮度以有所进步,即便长期运用后,由于发光资料的光衰很小,亮度也不会变暗。
4. The luminous efficiency of high brightness rare earth tricolor lamp is very high, and its brightness is 6-8 times that of the same wattage incandescent lamp. The 25 watt incandescent lamp used in rabbit house can be completely replaced by 5 Watt energy-saving lamp, and its brightness has improved. Even after long-term use, the brightness will not darken because of the light decay of the luminous data is very small.
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