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In the daily feeding and management, use drug prevention of rabbit disease is mainly coccidiosis. Often used coccidiostats, coccidiosis will happen. The main reasons are the following.
1、假药 由于兽药市场无序竞争,随着不断下降,质量也不容乐观,加上一些不法商人利欲熏心,假药充斥市场的现象大家都清楚。假药主要是有效药物含量不足,按正常药量添加起不到预防球虫病的作用。
1, because of the disorderly competition of counterfeit veterinary drug market, with prices falling, quality is not optimistic, some unscrupulous traders be reckless with greed plus, counterfeit market is full of clear to everyone. The main content of counterfeit drugs is an effective drug problems, according to the normal dosage added to prevent coccidiosis effect.
2、预防程序 有人认为兔球虫病多发生于气温高的霉雨季节,对于冬天或气温较低的地区,球虫病发生较少,故不用药物预防球虫病。或者是用一段时间停一段时间,因不能维持足够的药物有效浓度,导致兔发生球虫病。
2, some people think that the rabbit coccidiosis prevention programs occur in high temperature in winter or rainy season, the area of low temperature, coccidiosis occurs less, so no drugs to prevent coccidiosis. Or use a period of time to stop for a period of time, because cannot maintain effective drug concentration enough, lead to the occurrence of coccidiosis in rabbits.
3、添加量 用药物控制球虫病,兔体内必须要达到一定的有效药物浓度,饲料中添加药物是常用的方法。由于特殊情况,饲料中的药物浓度或配药比例是正常的,但由于天气炎热,兔的采集量下降,导致兔得不到足够的药物;或者是在一些地方养兔既喂料又喂草,每天兔子食入的饲料量并不多,药物自然也不足。一些病兔,同样由于采集量下降,发生球虫病。
Drugs used to control coccidiosis, adding amount of 3 rabbits, must want to achieve an effective concentration, adding medicine in feed is a commonly used method. Due to special circumstances, the drug concentration in feed or dispensing proportion is normal, but because of the hot weather, the acquisition amount rabbits decreased, resulting in rabbits do not have enough drugs; or is in some places rabbit both feed and feed grass, feed the rabbit food into every day is not much, the drug also insufficient natural. Some of the same rabbit disease, due to the decline in the volume of collection, happening coccidiosis.
4、拌料不匀 一些抗球虫药用量极低,如地克珠利,正常添加量仅为1ppm,相当于1吨饲料中加1克原药,如果没有特定的设备,是无法混合均匀的,当然会影响预防效果。一些较大规模的兔场为降低成本,买原料药直接加在饲料中做成颗粒料喂兔,导致一部分兔发病。
4, the mixing uneven some anticoccidial drug usage is extremely low, such as the diclazuril, normal addition amount is only 1ppm, equivalent to 1 tons of feed plus 1 grams of raw materials, if no specific equipment, cannot be mixed evenly, certainly will influence the effect of prevention. Some of the larger scale rabbit farm in order to reduce the cost of buying raw material medicine is directly added into rabbits fed pellets in the feed, resulting in a rabbit disease.