
发布日期:2013-11-28 来源://m.sdsxxzgs.com 发布人:admin

(1) pesticide poisoning
Organic nitrogen Pesticides Poisoning Rabbits, a variety of forms of arousal symptoms, such as muscle shock tilt, head bent neck, ataxia, export flow saliva, organophosphorus pesticide poisoning, the rabbits showed a hunger strike, tears, salivation, miosis, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, muscle development amount, excited uneasiness and convulsion climbing. Mild poisoning manifested only diarrhea and salivation.

(2) the poisonous plant poisoning
According to the degree of poisoning, roughly as follows the limbs and neck muscle weakness or paralysis in different degree, head stick breeding cage and cannot move, commonly known as "head disease". At the same time, still can appear salivation, by wool thick chaos, hypothermia, tarry stool discharged.
(3) the mold poisoning
The rabbits were salivation, foaming at the mouth, head and neck muscle spasm. Dyspepsia, constipation after early, diarrhea, stool odor, with dry fluid. Depressed, bow to sleep. Pregnant female rabbits abortion. Acute death.

