发布日期:2015-11-27 来源://m.sdsxxzgs.com 发布人:admin
Hares breeding attention to reduce the dust in the air:
Dust is concrete, and sometimes characterized by abstract, it is everywhere, but weight. Dust is a hotbed of breeding ground for harmful bacteria, its pollution to the environment to be reckoned with.
Mainly has the wind the dirt in air of dry dust and feeding management of a large amount of dust, such as cleaning the ground, turning mat grass, distribution of hay and feed etc.
Dust and rabbit fur quality has a direct influence to the health of hares. Dust landing in rabbit body surface, with the sebaceous glands secretion, rabbit hair, dander mix together and interfere with the normal metabolism of skin, rabbit hair quality; Dust suction in the body also can cause respiratory disease, such as pneumonia, bronchitis, etc; Also can remove the moisture in the air dust, poisonous gas and harmful microbes, to produce a variety of allergic reactions, even infected with a variety of infectious diseases.
In order to reduce the dust content in air and rabbit should pay attention to the management of operating procedures, best makings instead of powder for feed, guarantee the rabbit s ventilation performance is good.
Greening has obvious temperature, humidity, purify air, wind sand and beautify the environment, and other important role. Especially for hardwood, shade in summer, winter wind, has improved from microclimate of the important role.
According to production practice, the greening work to get good warren, summer can cool 3 a 5 ℃, relative humidity can be raised by 20% ~ 30%. The planting grass can reduce the dust content in air by about 5%. Warren around should be planted as soon as possible, therefore, shelter belt, the court should also be a large number of plant trees, all clearing all should grow crops, forage grass, or green grass.