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Observing morphological features
1. Body type
泽西长毛兔体型娇小,体重在1.0-1.5kg之间,一般不超过3.5 kg。该兔比较标准的体型应该是短小且圆润的,并且头大且圆润。若眼前的泽西长毛兔身体和脸部都比较细长,可能不纯正,尽量不要选购。
Jersey long haired rabbits are petite in size, weighing between 1.0 and 1.5kg, generally not exceeding 3.5kg. The standard body shape of the rabbit should be short and round, with a large and round head. If the body and face of the Jersey long haired rabbit in front of you are relatively slender and may not be pure, try not to buy it.
2. Hair
一只健康的泽西长毛兔,其身体的毛发会十分密集,理想的长度在5.0~7. 5cm之间,挑选时尽量按照这个标准去选。
A healthy Jersey long haired rabbit will have very dense hair on its body, with an ideal length of 5.0-7 Between 5cm, try to choose according to this standard as much as possible.
3. Ears
The Jersey long haired rabbit has vertical ears, with an ideal length of about 6 centimeters and a circle of fur on top. If there are problems with the body, the hair on the ears may appear as hair balls and sparse. Don't buy such Jersey long haired rabbits.
Observing personality traits
The Jersey Hare is a very gentle pet rabbit that does not resist being held or groomed. Additionally, it will not exhibit any self proclaimed or capricious behavior. If a Jersey long haired rabbit's behavior appears irritable and unwilling to get close to you, it is recommended that you give up.
Pay attention to fecal conditions
The gastrointestinal function of Jersey long haired rabbits is average, not particularly powerful, and some young rabbits may have diarrhea. When selecting this type of rabbit, everyone must try to avoid it as much as possible. In terms of judgment methods, it can be identified based on the feces of Jersey long haired rabbits. Normally, a healthy Jersey long haired rabbit's feces are generally smooth and round particles, neither too dry nor too thin. When selecting, if its feces cannot form, it can be concluded that there is a problem with the rabbit's intestines and stomach, and it is not recommended to purchase.
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