
发布日期:2023-05-20 来源://m.sdsxxzgs.com 发布人:admin

The difficulty in maintaining the giant Angora rabbit is its hair. The problem that hair can cause is not just knotting. Giant Angora rabbits are prone to ingesting hair into their stomach, leading to hair ball disease.
Like other rabbits, the giant Angora rabbit needs to be fed with a large amount of hay. The fibers obtained from hay can help prevent hair lumps from appearing. Additionally, it is strongly recommended that giant Angora rabbits or other long-haired rabbit breeds use pellet feed containing at least 13% fiber, which can be found in the nutritional composition table on the feed bag. In addition, dehydration may also cause fecal congestion, which can provide a large amount of water and salt to promote drinking water.
Due to the fact that rabbits digest their hair when grooming themselves, cutting their hair at least once every 90 days is considered a necessary method to prevent the appearance of hair lumps. The dietary supplement of papaya (a papaya vitamin sold in grocery stores) can help them break down hair lumps in their digestive tract. The hair swallowed by a rabbit cannot be coughed up or vomited, and once its digestive tract is filled with the swallowed hair, it will cause it to slowly starve to death. If left untreated, hair lumps can also cause death.
Reserve a wide space in the rabbit cage as a space for rabbit activities and daily placement of fresh and horse hay feed, which can help remove rabbit hair from its digestive system and prevent the appearance of hair lumps. This method is widely used by many professional giant Angora rabbit breeders.
Another commonly used method is to add fresh pineapple and papaya into the feed. The pineapple and papain contained in them can help to decompose (proteolysis) the hair lumps in the body and expel them from the rabbit's digestive system.
Another way to make its hair loose is to place a pine nut for the rabbit to play with. The rabbit will constantly nibble and throw out pine cones, which will become an effective hair collector in the rabbit cage. When pine cones are gnawed or covered with hair, replace them.
That's all for the breeding and hair care of giant Angora rabbits. I hope you can be helpful. For more information, please visit our website //m.sdsxxzgs.com consulting service